Alexandria University is participating in the activities of Egyptian Universities the first Youth Week for persons with disabilities
Inauguration of the third meeting of the National Cancer Research Network ECRN
Kericho county partners with Egypt in building modern health facility
Alexandria University honored Dr. Madbouli Noir
Healthcare Facilities Essential Management Program
Eng Mehleb stated that there is development in all the Egyptian land that provides a message to the youth who should continue building and save these achievements
recent renovations in Smoha Emergency Hospital
Eng Mehleb stated that there is development in all the Egyptian land that provides a message to the youth who should continue building and save these achievements
Alexandria University hosts Eng. Ibrahim Mehleb, the Presidential Assistant for the National and Strategic Projects and former Chief Minister
Medical Research "discusses the master thesis of the researcher" Amira Atef Mahmoud Abdel Hamid ... February 15 next ""