Safe and friendly hospitals with staff that listen, learn and respond collaboratively to enhance patient safety and dignity.
To form an alliance between healthcare providers, patients and community to develop significant awareness and methods to continuously ensure patient safety.
- Establish an Alexandrian working group by relevant stakeholders to discuss pertinent activities regarding patient safety.
- Work in agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for patient safety friendly hospitals certification.
- Support and encourage patient safety hospital initiatives in the region.
- Implement work place patient safety projects.
- Introduce working solution for common unsafe practices.
- Work towards involving patients and the public regarding patient safety issues.
- Encourage voluntary confidential reporting systems of adverse events.
- Introduce risk management and indicators for safe practices.
- Work towards patient safety sensitive medical records.
- Establish contact with other national and international alliances to discuss patient safety issues.
- Recognize and support training needs related to adverse event measurement and safe practices.
- Work towards the inclusion of patient safety in undergraduate education and postgraduate training programs.
- Promote public and professional awareness of patient safety.
- Encourage leadership commitment to patient safety programs.
- Creation of a culture that focuses on learning from errors rather than a punitive one "blame and shame".
The following strategies will b emphasized in the alliance activities:
- Patient and community involvement.
- Healthcare provider involvement (University, Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), Medical Insurance Organization (MIO), Private Sector)
- Collaboration between above mentioned stakeholders.
- Evidence-based decision making.
- Agreement through consensus.
- Practice enhancement.
- WHO guidance.