Safe Surgery
Safe Surgery
Operating Room Audit Project (ORAP)
This project has been prepared to help surgical teams assess their operating rooms and safe surgical practices. The project is based on the WHO Guideline for Safe Surgery which recommends 10 standards to ensure safe surgical practice that will also optimize surgical outcome. The standards can be implemented and maintained through the use of the Surgical Safety Checklist (SSC). However, to guarantee the successful use of the SSC a minimum of resources and safe practices have to be introduced into the operating rooms. This requires that the core structure and processes mentioned in WHO Guideline for Safe Surgery be introduced and indorsed by all members of the surgical team.
As a first step, a situation analysis must be performed to assess the current situation in the operating rooms. This is usually done through auditing the structure and practices performed in the operating rooms. In this project audit will cover operating room essential equipment, human resources, and compliance of staff with safe practices as stated in the WHO Guideline for Safe Surgery.
A sound operating room structure with safe surgical processes is expected to yield improved surgical outcome. Surgical outcome is measured using several quantitative parameters that can be found in 10th standard of the WHO Guideline for Safe Surgery related to surveillance of surgical capacity, volume and results.
The project related documents include the 10 standards for Safe Surgery (recommendations) derived from the WHO Guideline for Safe Surgery and related audit criteria (as defined by APSA), the audit form (created by APSA), and the surgical safety checklist (translated by APSA). The audit form has five sections covering background information on the operating rooms and staff, policies and procedures, essential equipment and tools for each operating room, safe practices as observed during the patient surgical pathway, and patient medical records.
Thank you
Alexandria Patient Safety Alliance (APSA)